If you change your mind on your purchase. You have 30 days to return the item, unused, in a saleable condition and in the original packaging for a refund or exchange.

Once the order arrives one of our team will check to make sure it meets the criteria stated above. Please note if you return the item outside our returns and refund policy, we will be unable to process a full refund.

We do offer a free post option on all orders; however, we are unable to offer this on exchanges. If you return an item for exchange, we will charge the cost of the return postage. This must be paid before the dispatch.

Please return the item in the ordinal packaging with the invoice stating what you would like to do ie refund or exchange and our support team will do the rest, when it arrives back at betd.

Our return address:-

Betd Components

High Carr Business Park

Unit 4, Axis

Millennium Way

Newcastle Under Lyme ST5 7UF