How to Choose the Best Mid-Ride Nutrition

mid-ride cycling nutrition

If you have been cycling for quite some time, you might have set routines for how you get your nutrition in before long bike rides. If you have stuck to the same foods for years but now have new cycling goals on the horizon, it might be time to switch up your food choices. Much like brushing the debris off your mountain bike crankset to ensure your bike performs optimally, take stock of what you are putting in your body before, during and after your rides.

Warming Up

Most people see carbohydrates as a ‘bad’ food; however, they do provide our bodies with important nutrients and give us the energy we need to keep going. Your body’s carbohydrate stores can last you for up to around 90 minutes of exercise. A banana is a great choice for fuelling your body with a snack in the hour before you set off for a bike ride lasting several hours. After the 90-minute mark however, you ideally need some more fuel.


Talk of hydration will be maddeningly obvious to anyone who has been cycling for years. If talk of electrolytes has previously brought out the cynic inside you, make 2023 the year you take them seriously as being beneficial to your cycling prowess. Either add an electrolyte tab to your drink or take a sports drink along with you on your rides.


After your ride, it becomes crucial to ensure you consume enough protein and carbohydrates so you can adequately recover. You will need your energy back for the ritualistic post-ride clean of your road bike bearings or mountain bike crankset. Your glycogen stores are exhausted after a ride and your muscles need repair. Protein bars and shakes are a great option for recovering properly after a long day out on your bike if you don’t have time to cook a full meal for quite some time after your outing.

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If you want to enquire about any of our gravel, road or MTB cranksets, fork seals or other products, or any of our other components, please contact us via our website.